graduation project: garbage
location: Moscow - next to Melnikov's Novoryazanskaya Bus Garage
initial research about Utopia - Constructivism - Social Condensers
references: 'Spaces of Hope', David Harvey
'Actually existing social condensers:
on the mundanity of Soviet Modernism', Owen Hatherley
'Russia', Richard Anderson
1. manifesto
utopia can be never realized without destroying itself
2. what makes a city a utopia?
a research on constructivism
and site analysis of Bus Garage
3. what moves our collective body - TODAY?
a synthesis for the image of 'gar(b)age'
1. Manifesto: 1. What is wrong with Utopias?
2. Revolution or Architecture?
3. Is body measure of all things?
4. How to escape from paradise to reach the promised land?