La Folia - Nuancen des Wahnsinns
An interactive audiovisual experience with live baroque music
SAVE THE DATE: Barockfest Weimar
25th June @Schießhaus, Weimar
Interactive Visual Installation: Belcim Yavuz
Musicians: Katharina Klehr - Blockflüte
Thomas Dombrowski - Violoncello
Zhiang Chen - Cembalo
Bauhaus Universität Weimar & Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar
Special Thanks to
Dr. Alexander König, Faculty of Art & Design, Bauhaus Universität Weimar
La Folia is a live music performance accompanied by Audio-Reactive visual design. The project is constructed around the Baroque Aesthetics and Characteristics of Baroque Music. The project's visual concept is created the project's visual concept is inspired by Deleuze's ideas on Baroque Aesthetics. The visual is accompanied by subtitles from E.T.A Hoffmanns, "Sandmann".
Applying the logic of folding while creating forms, particule system moves following the dominant instrument of the piece: Blockflüte. Touchdesigner Structure is built with the idea of creating infinite folds in harmony with baroque period music.
"The Baroque does not refer to an essence, but rather to an operative function, to a characteristic. It endlessly creates folds. It does not in- vent the thing: there are all the folds that come from the Orient- Greek, Roman, Romanesque, Gothic, classical folds.... But it twists and turns the folds, takes them to infinity, fold upon fold, fold after fold. The characteristic of the Baroque is the fold that goes on to infini- ty. And from the beginning it differentiates them along two lines, according to two infinities, as if the infinite had two levels: the coils of matter, and the folds in the soul"
Gilles Deleuze, The Fold
Touchdesigner Structure
Live performance documentation: