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graduation project: gar(b)age

2018 spring

ITU - Istanbul Technical University - Istanbul

project theme: a center for architectural/art education with the focus on upcycling.

location: Moscow - next to Melnikov's Novoryazanskaya Bus Garage


core jury members: Prof.Dr. Ayşe Şen Türer, Assoc.Prof.Dr Aslıhan Şenel, Research Assist. Erenalp Büyüktopçu


“... the aesthetic attitude of the radical ecologist is not that of admiring or longing for a pristine nature of virgin forests and clear sky, but rather of accepting waste as such, of discovering the aesthetic potential of waste, of decay, of the inertia of rotten material that serves no purpose.” Žižek 

The Gar(b)age is a space for constant production.


It extends its own boundaries according to the needs of users (by its users)


It transforms garbage into new possible garbage.


The processes of accumulation, circulation, transformation and exposition have no solid spatial boundaries between. They allow public to diffuse into the processes.


The project brings a new approach to architectural education with the aim of blurring the boundaries between: art/architecture, learner/teacher, waste/production. It suggests a system which minimizes the waste and can produce its own needs. Aim for a bike-friendly center resulted from the need of locals who initiated an uprising bike-culture in Russian Capital which suffers from the traffic jam and air pollution.


The waste from:
1.    educational production: leftover materials, mock-ups that are not in use anymore, previous artistic works, structures, sculptures… 


2.    local people from the neighborhood and city. The objects people dont use anymore: plastic bags, bottles, furniture, fabric, paper, clothe 
…anything that expires and completes its life span for its users will be collected in the re-use station to be transformed later.

Re-Use Station: It is both a storage and an exposition space where the first step of upcycling starts: collecting. Artists, architects, students come to 'Re-use center' to take the materials which can serve their further practices. Working in cooperation with Locals, and exposing the process of collecting materials increase the interaction of the community.      


Info Center: It is public entrance where locals come to drop their waste, where visitors can get deeper information about the gar(b)age RE-USE station +public entrance+ LAB connection +info desk+ visual connection the Main square.


LAB consists of 3 parts:  

1.Great hall: open study space + lecture rooms + workshop rooms + underground workshop rooms + underground part is connected to the larger space for 1to1 model prototypes experiments.

2.Studios: upper stairs (can be reached by bike and stairs)

3.Reuse center: Where bigger scale upcycling takes place: artists-architects-students in cooperation with locals start the transformation of the waste. Partially open, Large space for1to1prototypes, Pavillions expo          +stocking of materials - depo storage -- in connection with the materials from info center    


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Accommodation: consists of 3 parts. Accommodation units are placed in connection (visually) to the square of kitchen and lab, physically to the studios where people can go by walk or bike, also includes its own common kitchen and social space.

1. Over-night for students
2. Artists in residence: for periodical stays (events, workshops, conferences)
3. Permanent homes: dorms for students, academics
**bike stations-where you can rent and park your bike



Car Park: with performance space on top: open to public space on the ground level, in visual connection with Info point and FORUM.


Main Square: works as a forum area for both public and academic gatherings.


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