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MediaArchitecture project: Critical VR Lab

2021 summer

Bauhaus University - Weimar

project: Traum_a

advisor: Jörg Brinkmann

Scene 1 

Scene 2 - in progress

How does it feel to feel like in a dream, a dream of you…

Or someone who does not exist in the real world and is merely the product of your own mind?


How does it feel like to be in your own island, but still surrounded by others? 

Do you feel like being observed? Or invisible enough that no one cares?

Do you feel like in a loop that you can not escape? 



How does it feel like to wake up from a dream into another dream?

Do you think you can break the cycle when you wake up? Or you can only break it when you go to sleep?

an ongoing project that is produced using the software 'Unity' and was experienced via VR glasses 'Oculus' in Digital Bauhaus Lab.

Traum_a aims to create a dreamy place where someone can question being in a dream, falling down in a dream, waking up from it...

Scene 2 - process with Third Person Controller

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